Advancing to Candidacy

Congratulations on passing your Qualifying Exam!!

Now that you are past the qualifying exam, it is to your advantage to Advance to Candidacy, and it also marks a significant milestone in your progress towards completion. In addition, if you are an International student, you will need to Advance to Candidacy prior to the next quarter in order to qualify for the NRST waiver. The term “candidate” means that you have completed all the coursework requirements and, by passing your qualifying exam, have been given the go-ahead to devote your time to research. In terms of administrative procedure, it also means that the only thing needing to be completed now is your dissertation. Also, you will not be allowed to go on Filing Fee without first advancing to candidacy. Lastly, once you have formed your Dissertation Committee, we encourage you to meet regularly with them to help guide your work towards completion. It is recommended that you meet at least yearly, and twice a year once you reach your fifth year.

Here are instructions on how to Advance to Candidacy:

Identify your Dissertation Committee:

  • It is important that you ask each person to serve on your dissertation committee prior to listing them as a member on your Candidacy Application
  • Your major professor is automatically Chair of your Dissertation Committee

Complete the Candidacy Application Form

  • Your degree sequence number for the PhD is usually 1, Najwa will double check when she gets your form.
  • Graduate Program = BPH
  • Program Code = GBPH
  • Don’t forget to sign the form :)


  • The first signature needed is from your Faculty Academic Adviser
  • The second signature needed is from your Dissertation Committee Chair (major professor)

Candidacy Fee payment instructions are here:

Send Najwa the completed and signed form as well as your emailed receipt and she will complete the submission to grad studies

The main concern with filling out the candidacy form is defining the members of your dissertation committee. This should be done in collaboration with your major professor, who will also be the Chair of your dissertation committee. If, however, later on, your dissertation committee needs to change, that can be done by “reconstituting” your committee.

Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Plan B

External Committee Membership Application

Reconstitution of Committee Membership Request